Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Digital Nation

After watching the documentary " Digital Nation" in class, I found the film to be very thought
provoking. I have been spending increasing amounts of time online recently and have noticed how easy it is to let many hours pass while mindlessly roaming from one site to the next and almost being physically and mentally unable to stop, get up and do something else.
I know for a fact that this has caused a very obvious increase in the stiffness in my neck and shoulders and increasing numbness in my arms and fingers. I can't help but wonder what more ominous illnesses may come about down the road for us that we are not aware of now.
I just recently read (online, while clicking on a new subject of interest!) that studies have shown that several types of cancers have been shown to have a greater risk for people who sit for long periods of time without getting up and moving around for even a few minutes.

When I think about the possible effects on the way technology will change the way we experience art, I think that it mostly expands the wonderful world of all the various art forms in the way that  we are able to view it so readily now. It is very inspiring to me to be able to google anything in the subject of art and be instantly given a wealth of images right at my fingertips. While it is not quite equal to the experience of seeing the art in person, it has a very instant therapeutic effect on my brain. I think that with this technology it could inspire many "would be" artists to have the confidence to pursue their dreams knowing how many others are out in the world successfully doing just that.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Kim. Indeed, it is scary to think of the physical side effects of our increased technology use (as I sit at my computer typing this)...
